Sunday, January 1, 2012


It's time to twenty-twelve-it! 
Move forward! Upgrade! Expand! Launch Ahead! 
It's a new verb, a new vibe, a new movement. We all need to move on and embrace the New Thing that is ahead. Twenty-Twelve your phone, your attitude, your habits, your relationships, your outlook. 

How are you going to twenty-twelve-it? 
In one sentence record for the world how you are going to twenty-twelve-it. Here are a few "twenty-twelve-it's" to get you started...

  • "I'm gonna twenty-twelve my relationship with my sister by moving forward in compassion and forgiveness because I know she struggles with her own insecurities just like me."
  • "I'm gonna twenty-twelve my job search by believing that there is something even better out there and that I am capable of getting it." 
  • "I'm gonna twenty-twelve my future by dreaming bigger dreams."
  • "I'm gonna twenty-twelve my health by moving more, eating well and drinking water." 
  • "I'm gonna twenty-twelve my wardrobe with a trip to Goodwill to both give and receive." 
  • "I'm gonna twenty-twelve-it by taking care of myself spiritually, physically and emotionally." 

Post your comments and inspire others to twenty-twelve-it as you launch forward into this new year and a new era of hope for the good things to come. We all need a little faith, hope and love. 



  1. I am going to 2012 it by facing the flinch head on. I am no longer going to shrink back and talk myself out of things.

    Be bold, Be strong, for the Lord thy God is with thee!!

  2. I am going to twenty-twelve-it by praying for bigger things than ever before for our city and community and believing that God can and wants to use me to accomplish them.
